Langdon Hills Golf & Country Club and Langdon Hills Golf Club
Notice regarding SafeGolf at Langdon Hills.
Safeguarding Children & Young People
Langdon Hills Golf & Country Club and Langdon Hills Golf Club are committed to ensure that the sport of golf is one within which children and young people involved can thrive and flourish in a safe environment and that all children, young people and adults at risk have a fun, safe and positive experience when playing golf. Langdon Hills Golf & Country Club as the proprietor and Langdon hills Golf Club, who are an affiliated member of England Golf and follows the England Golf safeguarding children and Young People policies and procedures.
You might be thinking ‘What has safeguarding got to do with me?’
Government guidance makes it clear that ‘safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility’.
Anyone who has a negative experience of sport at a young age is less likely to become a regular long-term participant. It’s important for the future of your club and sport as a whole that children and young people have an enjoyable experience.
All club members have a part to play in making that happen. All adults should contribute to the club meeting its overall duty of care, be aware of our club’s safeguarding policy, and know what to do if they are concerned about a young person.
Safeguarding Adults
Langdon Hills Golf & country Club and langdon Hills Golf Club are committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment for all individuals involved in golf.
Safeguarding duties apply to an adult who:
Has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs) and:
Is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect, and:
As a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of, abuse or neglect.
Principles in relation to adults at risk
The care and support statutory guidance set out the following key principles which underpin all adult safeguarding work:
Empowerment: People being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and informed consent.
Prevention: It is better to take action before harm occurs.
Proportionality: the least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented.
Protection: Support and representation for those in greatest need.
Partnership: Local solutions through services working with their communities.
Communities have apart to play in preventing, detecting and reporting neglect and abuse.
Accountability: Accountability and transparency in delivering safeguarding.
Langdon Hills Golf & country Club and Langdon Hills Golf Club asks our members to familiarise yourself with the LHGCC and LHGC safeguarding Policies for Children and Young people and for adults. A full copy of both our safeguarding Policies are available on the links below – Approved April 2024
If you are concerned about a child or adult, it is not your responsibility to investigate further, but it is your responsibility to act on your concerns and share them. Pass the information to The Langdon Hills Golf & Country Club and Langdon Hills Golf Club Welfare Officer who will follow the club’s Safeguarding procedures.
Link to the Children & Young People Safeguarding Policy & Procedures
Link to the Adults Safeguarding Policy & Procedures
Link to the SafeGolf Club Welfare Officer
For more information regarding our procedures and policies, please contact General Manager Tony Dunstan on 01268 548444 or email