Youth Shield report 

When Langdon Hills Junior team entered the Youth Shield Handicap League we only had 6 players with handicaps, 5 were required to play in all rounds. Little did we know that 5 would be enough to gain us a place at the top of the league behind Bentley and a passage into the last 8 and Quarter finals.

The games started in April against Romford away. After a hard fought few games which see sawed back and fro the game hung in the balance with Tyler going down the 19th hole to achieve a win and an overall win 3 and 2.

Game two was also away at Canons Brook in Harlow. Another 3 – 2 win under our belt and everyone was very upbeat. Game 3 was Away at The Bentley playing their Hawks team. Another close match ensued with Tyler again having to continue onto the 19th hole, however this time he was beaten and finished I down and we came away with a 2 – 3 defeat. Not to be daunted the boys finally had a home match versus Upminster in Game 4. This proved too be a great result and a 5 – 0 win to Langdon with Captain Lewis finishing the job with a 9 and 8 win!! Game 5 was also at home against local rivals Orsett and although they brought out the top guns by putting in a low handicap girl (2) playing at number 1 Harry was up to the task and beat her 1 up with the others taking heed from this and bringing home a 4 – 1 victory.

Finishing the league in the runners up spot gave us a shot at the quarter final v Colne Valley away at Burstead. The boys were so up for the challenge they went for 2 practice rounds!

Ellis had cut his handicap during this time and was now out first with Harry playing at 2. With all players getting shots the game should have been in our favour and was, with a 3 – 2 win they pulled through. All five players had lowered their handicaps and therefore things were getting harder and the pressure on when we met Bentley at Frinton for the Semi-finals.

Bentley put out a 2 handicapper against Ellis and he was 3 down after 3 and never recovered from the power or the more experienced player. Harry was in a strong position as was Lewis going into the last few holes, however both players had a minor collapse and found themselves all square after 18 hole and needing to go down the 19th. Both were to lose their games here. Tyler was playing well and won his game comfortably now with just Sam left on the course and three up with 3 to play we were hoping for a 2 – 3 result but Sam was to keep us guessing by losing the last 3 holes and also go to 19 to finish. Pleasingly he won and we had to swallow a hard defeat. It was so close and we were all so proud of the boys. They carried themselves well and as a young team they have much more to give. Langdon Hills Juniors have certainly put their name on the Essex map!

Thank you to Briggs Engineering who have supported the team with kit and finances to continue to aid the team and others to be coached in the future.